Find out how little hronline could cost you.

Non-profit organisations are driven by a passion for a cause, and nothing should get in the way of reaching that goal – especially not dealing with human resources. That’s why non-profits turn to hronline. It’s a suite of really useful solutions to help make the routine elements of employing staff run like clockwork.

Even non-profits have commitments to employment law, and keeping on top of them can become a headache, diverting time and talent away from the core mission. But so many tasks in the running of an organisation could be handed over to the staff themselves or to our automated online system, which you, as the owner, would have complete oversight of.

Take holidays, for example. What’s your current setup? Staff writing their names on a sheet of paper stuck to the wall? With hronline, every staff member has an account and they simply have to log in and make a holiday request. The person in charge of holidays can then view the request on a calendar and decide whether to allow it or not, whereupon the employee will be notified. Simple!

Sickness and disciplinary proceedings are also logged against employees, all hidden behind a secure wall that allows only authorised people to view them.

And any employee data that you want to take a closer look at can be used to make reports, with tabular and graphical results so you can see the big picture.

Our solution comes in three levels: Standard, Plus and Premium. Standard gives you all the tools you need for the day-to-day management of your staff, but with hronline’s Plus and Premium service you’ll also get extra features including telephone advice from qualified employment law experts. Which one would suit your non-profit the best? Have a chat with us or read our client testimonials to find out how much time hronline could save you.

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