Find out how little hronline could cost you.

Running a school is all about passion, commitment and drive to bring out the very best in the pupils. The conduits of this responsibility are, of course, the staff members, be they teachers, classroom assistants, reception staff, secretaries, administrators, caretakers or lunchtime assistants. A happy and successful school can’t come about without committed and contented staff, and that goal cannot be reached without well managed human resources.

As far as staffing is concerned, managing a school isn’t much different to managing a business. There are still various entitlements that must be granted to employees, and sickness will still be an important management issue, especially when relief or reorganisation might have to happen at short notice. And with ongoing training being such a key element of modern teaching, it needs to be managed well.

Holiday entitlements might present slightly different problems to the general working population, but they still need to be managed to meet the requirements of the school, and non-teaching staff could well have different requirements to the teachers, too.

It’s easy to see how this level of complexity can become overwhelming, especially during unexpected events. But help is at hand in the shape of hronline, the simple way to manage your school’s staffing. It’s an always-accessible solution to your HR issues, available whenever and wherever you have an internet connection.

Each member of staff gets his or her own profile, which they can access to keep updated with their specific holiday and training requests.

The system provides school heads with an at-a-glance picture of the staffing level at any moment, and over the longer term the accumulated stats can be used to create reports to get a better idea of how the school’s staff are performing. Disciplinary and sickness records are held securely, with only authorised personnel being granted access.

Our Prime and Plus level services even offer employment law advice so that you can make sure you’re on safe ground should there be an employment dispute. It’s the all-round package to help you maintain the happiness and efficiency of your school.

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