Handling holiday requests

30th December 2013

We’ve often said how simple this should be and in fact our holiday entitlement planner has certainly helped a lot of clients, especially when it comes to holiday allocation, who gets priority, the best procedure and ‘cover’ issues but it’s important  that you know we’re here to help should you have a specific or complicated situation and really need to know your options.

Although we created our cloud based hronline service to be just that, an online support system that’s accessible 24 hours-a-day, from wherever you are in the world – there are some things that just need to be discussed one-to-one and that’s what we’re here for.

Bad weather

At this time of year bad weather can cause all kinds of disruption and have a knock-on effect in the workplace. So, if you’re worried about the best way to handle absenteeism due to travel or weather issues, please give us a call, we have some very useful tips to help you plan for such events and minimise the impact on your business.

Employers often ask us about the best way to measure and manage the individual performances of their staff: having the right systems in place and communicating them to your staff is always a good starting point & can avoid misunderstandings and inconsistencies.